
Sri Siddaganga College of Arts Science and Commerce for Women

B .H Road, Tumkur.

Code of conduct for Students

  1. The Students should always wear college ID in the Campus.
  2. Use of Cell Phones is strictly prohibited in the College premises. If it is noticed they will be heavily fined and action will be taken.
  3. The Students should behave courteously with teaching and non-teaching staff, and with their college mates.
  4. They should attend the mass prayer in the morning.
  5. They need to keep the campus clean and tidy.
  6. They are expected to be on time, to the college and classes
  7. They ought to maintain silence in the library, classrooms and laboratories.
  8. They will be held responsible for the damage caused to books in library/ equipments in the laboratories and will have to pay for the same.
  9. They should not vandalise the lawn /Plants.
  10. They are not to absent themselves from the classes.
  11. Students not satisfying the minimum attendance, will not be eligible to take the final examination.
  12. Students using vehicles should park them, in the designated place.
  13. Students should not bring four wheelers to the college.
  14. Parking fee is collected for two wheelers.
  15. Parents are requested to attend the meetings conducted by the College.

Code of conduct for teachers

  1. Men teachers shall attend the college and class work in formals.
  2. Women teachers shall attend the college and class work in sari.
  3. Teachers are bound to stay in the college for 7 hours in the college from Monday to Friday and on Saturday for 5 hours as per UGC norms. However teacher should maintain 40 hours of stay per week in the college during working hours. Biometric attendance is mandatory for all staff of the college.
  4. The staff shall park their vehicles on the designated area in the campus.
  5. Teachers, staff and students shall use pavements for walk in the campus.
  6. Smoking and any other prohibited items shall not be used by any person of the college in the college campus and the usage of such is banned in the college. They areliable to be punished.
  7. Teachers shall record their academic and co-curricular activities in the diary
  8. Every Teacher shall conduct himself/herself with absolute dignity and decorum in his/her dealing with any person who so ever may be in the college campus.
  9. No teacher shall accept any honorarium or other assignment by any external agency with out the prior permission from the college.
  10. No Teacher shall associate himself/herself with any organization actively not in line with professional ethics.
  11. No teacher shall insight/provoke the student community to disrupt the academic or any activity of the college.
  12. The teacher shall ensure that his/her classes are engaged while he/she is on leave13.Every Teachershall discharge his/her duties efficiently to match with theacademic standards laid down by Tumkur University and Directorate of collegiate Education

For Parents / Guardians:

  1. Attending parent teachers meetings ensures both growth of the institution and good performance of the wards.
  2. Please take an active interest in the progress of the ward. Kindly meet the heads of the departments to know the attendance and performance of your children.
  3. Please encourage your daughters to take an active part in co-curricular and extra curricular activities of the college.
  4. Kindly support your wards even if some programmes cost an additional fee.
  5. Please see that the student takes all the tests and exams.
  6. Kindly send her to special classes if held on Sundays or holidays.