To inculcate among the students to study and understand socio-cultural aspects of society and social values based on quality education
Promote scientific understand of social life through effective teaching
The greatness of VeerashaivaMathas is that they do not cease to the just religious institutions. They have not host themselves in the mere debate about God. They have been serving society in various ways. They have been the custodians of our tradition and culture. They have brought a revolution in the field of education by establishing Educational Institutions. Sri SiddagangaMutt has its own Distinction of providing boarding and lodging facility to the poorest of the poor, especially from rural areas, irrespective of Caste and Creed. This is rightly described as ‘Dasoha’ in Kannada, a tradition that was started by Sharanas of 12th Century under the leadership of MahadasohiBasaveswara. Many Mutts in Karnataka continued this tradition even today. Among them SreeSiddagangaMutt occupied an important place. This Mutt had not only provided boarding and lodging but also giving free education to the students from all parts of Karnataka under the leadership of his Holiness Dr.Sri Sri Shivakumara Swamiji.
SreeSiddagangaMutt has established many Educational institutions from primary to higher education including Engineering and MBA colleges in various districts. SreeSiddaganga College for Women is one among institution.
His Holiness Dr. Sri SriShivakumaraSwamiji started a college for women in the year 1965 itself, but the number of girl students was not enough. So the same was converted into co-education college – and it was continued till 1982. As the number of girl students went on increasing Swamiji thought of opening a college for Women. As a result of this SreeSiddaganga College for Women. As a result of this SreeSiddaganga College for Women came into existence in 1982.
Sociology is the science of society. The study of society in general and the study of Indian society in particular is imperative in understanding the society. In this context sociology as considered as the mother of all science. Sociology had attracted the attention of all academicians, planners, sociology has become one of the most important academic subjects in undergraduate and in post –graduate level. In this favourable situation our institution introduced sociology as one of the subjects in our college. The department of sociology was introduced our college during the year 1982-83. Professor S.Siddagangamma was the head of the department. On February 2016 Sri N.P.Ravindranatha, retired from the service. There after Jagadeesha.M took initiative and running the department smoothly as Head of the Department. The other staff member of the department is Janardhana.N.
The department has been successfully arranging many programs based on test and engaging in various activities there by making Sociology subject popular among the student. In the meanwhile Dr.Jagadeesha.M, HOD, registered his for Ph.Din the year 2016. He choose the subject “Social change among the Lingayath’s” – ‘A Sociological Study’ (Tumkur district). Under the guidance of Dr.Nagaraja.S, Department of Sociology, Tumkur University. He continued his research and submitted his thesis to Tumkur University. He was awarded Ph.D in 10th December 2020.
Course Objective
Course outcomes
Sociology provides for teaching and other career opportunities
Career opportunities
Faculty |
Education |
Experience in Year |
![]() Dr. Jagadesha M |
M.A [ Ist Rank with Gold Medal ] B.Ed, SLET.,Ph. D |
8 Years |
G. Chidananda Murthy, MSc.,M Phil.,
Assistance Professor & Head
Departmentof Botany
SSCW Tumkur
+91 9964096570
Mon – Sat 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.