
Sree Siddaganga College of Arts Science and Commerce for Women

B .H Road, Tumkur.

Botany Department


"Updating the young minds in a Learning atmosphere about the Knowledge of Plant Sciences for Human Welfare"

  • To develop extensive knowledge in different fields of Botany.
  • To develop creative thinking, scientific reasoning, competent knowledge to congregate the Global opportunities.
  • To develop realistic skills in the field of Applied/Allied aspects - Horticulture, Floriculture and Nursery to facilitate entrepreneurships.
  • To create awareness on Therapeutic values of Medicinal plants for Human Welfare.
  • To employ newer approaches through professional ethics towards community development.
Brief History of the Department:
  • The department of Botany was established in the academic year 1982-83 under the headship of Prof. K.L.Radhamani
  • The department of Botany is having an area of 165 sq. mt. comprising of staff room, Laboratories (02), Museum and a preparation room.
  • Department is equipped with laboratory instruments of good quality, Glass -wares and chemicals.
  • Department is maintaining a ‘Department library’.
  • Students are accessible to make use of these books.
  • The department has initiated student’s projects, seminars on various issues both in science and technology, quiz in order to inculcate the General and Research interest and updating knowledge among the students at UG level.
  • The department uses special aids for identification of plants through punch cards, by artificial taxonomic keys and Herbaria.
  • The department has employed innovative teaching concepts through ICT. Besides, the department has internet facilities to update the knowledge among both teachers & students.
  • The department successfully completed a Minor research project on Ethno Pharmacological study of medicinal plants at Siddara betta—A religious Hillock of Tumkur during the years 2013-2015, Karnataka.
  • Department organized UGC Sponsored two day workshop on Techniques in Molecular Biotechnology and Bio-Informatics on 25th & 26TH August 2015
  • The department organizes guest Lectures periodically.
Head of the Department
G Chidananda Murthy
Designation HEAD, Department of Botany
Qualification MSc.,Mphil
E-mail and phone No. 9964096570
Specialization  Paleobotany and Palynogy.
Experience 33 years
Research experience  02 years

  • IQAC Co-ordinator, Member of BOAE, BOS and BOE (Board of studies and Board of Examination) in Botany, Tumkur University. Tumkur Life member of Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA)
  • Authorized practical manual for BSc and PUC students.
  • Resource person in the field of Botany.
  • Two International journals published in Tumbe.
  • Participated in one week online Short term courses on “E- Content Development” in Gujarat University and “Developments in advanced drug delivery systems and drug discovery to treat life threatening diseases” in Jawaharlal Nehru technological University Hyderabad respectively.
  • Participated one week online national work shop on Inter disciplinary Research Methodology, ICT Application and innovations in teaching learning process.


Faculty Name
Hema B.C
Designation Assistant professor Department of Botany
Qualification MSc.
E-mail and phone No. 6364824702
Specialization Taxonomy and Palynogy
Experience  03 years of Teaching experience. Research article – Study of Pollen Morphology and Floristic diversity of Tumkur University campus.


Faculty Name
Designation Lecturer
Qualification Msc
E-mail and Phone number 7795158189
Specialization Botany
  Phytochemical Studies and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry analysis of Bioactive compounds present in ethanolic extract of leaves of Commiphoracaudata (Wight &Arn.) Engl.  

Department Contact Info

G. Chidananda Murthy, MSc.,M Phil.,
Assistance Professor & Head

Departmentof Botany

SSCW Tumkur

+91 9964096570

Mon – Sat 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Social Info
